Sunday, July 01, 2007

Happy Anniversary, Momma & Daddy!

Momma and Daddy have been married 50 years! WOW! What an accomplishment! In honor of their milestone, David and I (with our spouses and children) hosted a reception yesterday. For 2 hours, friends and family came to congratulate them and share in the joy of this happy occasion. Ina (the caterer) and her staff did an outstanding job with a beautiful cake and a table loaded with beef and turkey croissants, fruit and veggies, chicken salad puffs, mints, and cheese and crackers. With temperatures topping out at nearly 90 degrees, the lime punch was a hit! We chose to decorate in the colors that they used in their wedding so pink roses, white gladiolas and daisies and pink and green candles graced the room. A few gold accents served as a reminder that we were celebrating a "golden" anniversary.

I'm so blessed to be their daughter! I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't always think so - those times as a teenager that my ideas differed on curfew time from theirs or places I wanted to go didn't always get their approval! As with most of us (and I'm sure my 15-year old has said this same thing about me!), I remember saying to myself, "I won't do that when I'm a parent!" When I grew up, got married and eventually became a mom, I ended up doing things so much like they did! The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree after all. And, as the mom of a teenager, I'm learning that it really is true that what goes around, comes around! I've lost count of the number of times I have called them up to apologize for something I did as a kid after Andy's actions have reminded me of myself at that age!

Momma and Daddy, where does a greatful daughter start to say thanks for all the years of love, prayer, time, advice, and discipline (yes, I now appreciate even that!)? You've given me great examples of how to be a good person, a faithful Christian, a caring spouse, a good parent, and a loyal friend. I have wonderful memories of growing up - I was loved. I was safe and happy. I always knew that even if it seemed no one else loved me, you guys did and you always would! I hope that these are the things Andy will remember from his childhood as well. But, your role as parents didn't stop when I went out on my own. You've been there when I have needed advice, support, a different perspective, an attitude adjustment (when do we ever outgrow that?) or just someone to talk to. Your presence in my life is still as important as it was when I was little. There have been some difficult days that I know I could not have come through without you! Your prayers for me haven't stopped and I know you still worry about me at times. That's what parents do! Yesterday was my way of trying to say "thank you" for being such a great momma and daddy!

I love you guys! Happy Anniversary!